The Elementary games for Tuesday, December 17th have been postponed until January. An exact date will be given at a later time.
21 days ago, Cameron Public School
Santa Pictures will be Wednesday, December 18th. Parents, Please be on the look out for order forms that are being sent home today. Order forms and money are due at the time of photos.
24 days ago, Cameron Public School
Tomorrow December 5, 2024, We will be taking grades 9-12 to the Alma Performing Arts Center to watch “Newsies” . We will leave the school at 8:00 A.M. and be back at approximately 2:00 . Lunch will be provided by the school. Permission slips will go home with students today, and will need to be returned in the morning.
about 1 month ago, Cameron Public School
✏️🐝TOMORROW IS THE DAY! SRO Miller is ready! Are you? Parents, just a reminder that students must not be dropped off earlier than 7:30. Elementary(Pk-5) students will need to be dropped off at the cafeteria, and MS/HS students will need to be dropped off at the front door of the high school! We are ready to see everyone tomorrow, and have a GREAT first day of school to kick off the 24-25 school year!
5 months ago, Cameron Public School
‼️IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ.‼️ Student parking has moved. All students driving to and from school will park in the gravel parking lot on the east side of the high school (please see the map). All students driving a vehicle to and from school must provide a copy of their driver's license and proof of auto insurance to the high school office. Students may be dropped off beginning at 7:30am. Students may NOT be dropped off before 7:30am. There will be no staff on duty prior to this time. Elementary students (PK-5) are to be dropped off at the cafeteria. Junior high and high school students are to be dropped off in front of the high school main entrance. Junior high students (6-8 grades) will enter the high school lobby and go directly from there to the junior high building hallway. High school students (9-12 grades) must go to the high school lobby. Students are not permitted in classrooms until the first hour begins. Afternoon pickup has changed. Please see the red arrows on the map. Elementary students (PK-5 students) will be picked up at the cafeteria beginning at 2:50pm. Please enter campus from the east on Church Street, turning left into the cafeteria parking lot, pick-up your child(ren) in front of the cafeteria, and exit turning right onto Church Street. If you are picking up a junior high and/or high school student, please park in the student parking lot. Those students will be released at 3:00pm. If you are picking up students in both elementary and junior high or high school, pickup your elementary child(ren) first then drive to the student parking lot to wait for your junior high and/or high school student(s). Car rider traffic will be stopped temporarily to allow buses to leave. Please be patient with your fellow drivers, students, and school staff. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Perdue, Mr. Austin, or Officer Miller.
5 months ago, Cameron Public School
Pre-K-4th grade supply list for the 2024-2025 School year. Students in grades 5th-12th will need pencils and paper to start, any other supplies needed will be specified by teachers within the first few days of school.
6 months ago, Cameron Public School
school supply
The End of the Year Awards will be held on Wednesday, May 8th. 1st-6th Grades will start at 8:30. 7th-12th will follow at 10:00, in the cafeteria. Students may be signed out after the awards assembly is over. School will dismiss for the summer at 1:00 on May 8th.
8 months ago, Cameron Public School
Athletic Physicals will be held next Tuesday, May 7th. ALL 7-12 Grade students who participate in sports WILL have to have a physical. The cost is $10 per student. The school will provide transportation to Dr. Dryers office in Poteau for the physicals.
8 months ago, Cameron Public School
Pre-K/Kindergarten Pre-Enrollment for the 24-25 School Year is coming up! Join us May 6th-8th from 8:00-3:00! Please contact Ms. Shelby in the elementary to schedule an appointment.
8 months ago, Cameron Public School
Attention JH/HS Softball Parents and Players for the 2024-2025 School Year. This is the summer softball schedule for Coach Downs. If you are interested in playing these practices and games ARE mandatory. Please see flyer for more information!
9 months ago, Cameron Public School
Congratulations to the Cameron Yellowjackets. They are district champs!
9 months ago, Cameron Public School
Pre-K/Kindergarten Pre-Enrollment for the 24-25 School Year is coming up! Join us May 6th-8th from 8:00-3:00! Please see flyer for more information.
9 months ago, Cameron Public School
The softball games scheduled for today at Clayton have been canceled.
10 months ago, Cameron Public School
REMINDER: Parent Teacher Conferences are tomorrow, March 14th from 3:00-9:00. We hope to see everyone there!
10 months ago, Cameron Public School
Spring Sports Photos will be on Wednesday, March 27th. These are pre-pay, meaning the money is due the day of photos. Students will have an order form sent home with them today with information.
10 months ago, Cameron Public School
The JH Girls Basketball Game in the JH LCT scheduled for tomorrow has been postponed to Saturday, 1/13 at 10:00 a.m.
12 months ago, Cameron Public School
Winter Sport(archery, basketball, and cheerleading) Pictures/Retakes will be tomorrow! Athletes: Please be sure that you have your complete uniform for pictures! Order forms went home today with students for sport photos. If you need extra, they are available in the office!
about 1 year ago, Cameron Public School
Mrs.Douglas will be hosting a Painting Party Fundraiser. The cost is $30 per person. If you have any questions please contact Mrs.Douglas!
about 1 year ago, Cameron Public School
Parents, Students in 6th grade and below must be accompanied by an adult (18+) at home basketball games. They may not be hanging out outside the gym. They may not run inside the gym. They need to remain seated unless going to and from the concession or restrooms. Students not abiding by these rules will be asked to sit down with an adult or a parent will be called to pick them up. If the problem persists, then they may not be allowed to attend home basketball games. This is for their safety and out of respect for other spectators. We want everyone to enjoy our new facilities and events. Thank you all for your support of Yellowjacket Athletics! Your Cameron Administration
about 1 year ago, Hank Austin
Red Ribbon Week will be October 23-27th. This is a list of the dress-up days. We encourage everyone to participate! *Outfits must follow the dress code policy.
about 1 year ago, Shelby James